Polar Quality Employees
Polar Quality is more than just quality seafood, we are quality people as well!
Polar Quality bases its company philosophy upon providing a positive link between customer and supplier. Our team consists of people with long experience and in-dept knowledge of various aspects from the seafood industry. We offer our customers competence, high level of involvement and professionalism. The company’s goal is to guarantee that supplies and quality comply in full with customer requests.
We make sure that our customers receives quality treatment.
Robert Johansen
General manager Mob: +47 99 74 54 96 Skype: robert_johansen Mail: robert@polarquality.no
Marthe Måsvær
Sales Manager Mob: +47 41 02 77 89 Skype: marthe.masvar Mail: marthe@polarquality.no
Valeria Orudzheva
Sales and Logistics Manager Mob: +47 90 73 16 58 Skype: le-rock Mail: valeria@polarquality.no
Cristopher Pettersen
Quality Coordinator Mob: +47 91 61 55 50 Skype: cristopher.pettersen1 Mail: cristopher@polarquality.no
Guro Sletten
Back office Mob: +47 48 06 26 66 Skype: gurosletten Mail: guro@polarquality.no
Jan Robert Røli-Gjervik
Logistics coordinator Mob: +47 99 73 13 43 Skype: janrobert63 Mail: jan@polarquality.no
Jonas Klingan Olsen
Sales manager Mob: +47 47 85 51 40 Skype: jonasklingan Mail: jonas@polarquality.no
Maria Eilertsen
Back office Mob: +47 95 97 56 71 Skype: eilertsenmaria1994 Mail: maria@polarquality.no
Anne Stoltenberg Johansen
Sales manager Mob: +47 988 27 778 Skype: anne.stoltjohan Mail: anne@polarquality.no
Diana Mendes dos Santos
Sales manager and back office Mob: +47 915 61 858 Skype: diana.i.m.santos Mail: diana@polarquality.no
Hilde Nagy Opdahl
Back office Mob: +47 934 81 226 Skype: hildeopdahl_1 Mail: hilde@polarquality.no
Richard Dundas
Logistics coordinator Mob: +47 407 26 580 Skype: live:.cid.93a6e5fea4204689 Mail: richard@polarquality.no